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Annual review 2022: Our top 5 articles
LNG, battery storage and the European electricity market – these topics piqued our readers’ interest

As a year, 2022 was a turbulent one for the energy industry: the absence of Russian energy imports, skyrocketing gas and electricity prices, strained LNG infrastructure expansions and the reactivation of nuclear power units. In addition to steps taken to ensure immediate security of supply, foundations were also laid for a sustainable renewable energy supply system. Examples include the European Commission’s REPowerEU Plan and the Inflation Reduction Act in the US.

These developments are also mirrored in the preferences of the en:former readership. Topics such as LNG, the structure and functioning of the European electricity market as well as renewables expansion and the production of components performed particularly well. This article will focus on the most popular stories of 2022. The summary will serve as a short review of events over the last year. If you missed an article or two, now’s your chance to catch up.

Energy issues continue to be an intriguing topic. In 2022, the en:former published a total of 119 english articles (GER: 128) on a variety of themes. The pieces ranged from insightful reports to extensive analyses, to the energy systems of individual countries, to spotlights on innovative pilot projects. Expert interviews were also particularly well received.

The en:former team would like to thank our readers for their continued interest. We wish you all a Happy New Year and hope to continue piquing your interest with many exciting and informative articles in 2023.

These are the most read articles 2022:

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