Until now, the transport sector has been slow off the blocks in helping to achieve the European climate objectives. This is now set to change, as the EU is beginning to up the ante: Brussels has decided to reduce CO2 emissions, at least for trucks, by 30 percent by 2030. Other countries are set to join them in reducing truck exhaust fumes: In the USA, the state of California is the main driving force. And China, too, wants to take the dirtiest diesel trucks out of circulation, at the very least.
But are electric trucks really the solution? Before now, electric motors have not had an easy time in the heavy goods traffic sector as long distances are what often counts in this area. After all, the batteries which are currently on the market only last for a few hundred kilometres. What’s more: When fully charged, this distance is decreased even further.
But not all trucks have to travel long distances in one go. Many perform their duties within rather limited radii in congested urban areas: waste collection, logistics services and construction site vehicles, for example. This is where electric motors are able to come into their own due to their increased efficiency, compared with internal combustion engines. When stationary they do not burn any fuel, when setting off they deliver their full torque, and when braking the batteries are even able to regenerate energy. At night they have time to recharge – or are still making the rounds thanks to their whisper-quiet motors and brakes. They are also better suited for the infamous ‘last leg’, i.e. journeys between the large logistics centres on the outskirts of town and the recipients, when compared to models that run on fuel.
No wonder, then, that many suppliers have put forward e-trucks for these tasks in particular. In the meantime, however, some manufacturers are also eyeing up the longer distances – both start-ups and large corporations are jostling for a seat at the table. Below, you will find a number of their concepts:
Photo credits: petovarga, shutterstock.com