Die erste Turbine im Offshore RWE-Windpark Kaskasi in der Nordsee

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First turbine commissioned at RWE’s Kaskasi wind farm
342-megawatt wind farm to supply green electricity to over 400,000 households

35 kilometres north of the island of Heligoland, the first turbine of RWE’s Kaskasi offshore wind farm was recently commissioned, and is now supplying green electricity to the grid. Nine of the in total 38 Siemens Gamesa SG 8.0-167 DD Flex offshore wind turbines are installed, each with a capacity of close to 9 megawatts (MW). Kaskasi is RWE’s sixth wind farm off the German coast. When fully operational by the end of 2022, Kaskasi will be capable of supplying the equivalent of more than 400,000 German households with green electricity every year. This is comparable to a large city like Frankfurt am Main.

World’s first recyclable wind turbine blades installed

RWE is leading the technological development in the offshore wind industry. Together with Siemens Gamesa, the Kaskasi project now features the world’s first installed recyclable wind
turbine blades. The components of the 81-meter long RecyclableBlades are able to be recycled for new applications at the end of their lifecycle. RWE and Siemens Gamesa are helping to pave the way towards the full recyclability of wind turbines. Many components of a wind turbine already have established recycling practices. Until now, the composite materials used in wind turbine blades have been more challenging to recycle.

The resin system employed binds all components together. In its RecyclableBlade, Siemens Gamesa uses a resin type with a chemical structure that makes it possible to efficiently separate
it from other components following decommissioning. The process protects the properties of the materials, allowing them to be reused in new casting applications, for example in the automotive industry or in consumer goods like flight cases and flatscreen casings.

Our sixth wind farm off the German coast is taking shape. The first turbine equipped with recyclable blades is generating electricity. The expansion of renewable energies must be driven forward decisively. Faster offshore expansion is particularly important to simultaneously achieve climate targets and to create more energy sovereignty. We at RWE want to help make this happen and the commissioning of the first turbine of our Kaskasi offshore wind farm is a clear sign of this intent. Sven Utermöhlen, CEO Wind Offshore, RWE Renewables

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