In order to get the big picture, energy supply needs to be viewed from a more integrated perspective, instead of considering electricity generation, transport and industry separately.
Gas-fired power stations supply industrial plants with process heat, while gas-driven fuel cells deliver electricity and thermal energy to households. Automobiles run on synthetic diesel produced using electricity from wind and solar stations and the carbon dioxide obtained from power plant flue gases. And batteries in electric vehicles are used to manage fluctuations in the power grid. Some of this is already reality, while other technologies are still being developed or are ready to be launched on the market. They all have one thing in common: they result in the more efficient use of existing resources. The ultimate goal is an ‘all-electric society’, in which electricity from renewables is the dominant form of energy in all areas.
en:former – RWE’s energy blog provides you with information on developments in sector coupling and progress towards the ‘all-electric society’.